

Huaye Glass at GLASSTECH ASIA 2023 | 集團旗下華業玻璃亮相2023年亞洲國際玻璃展覽會



From 29th November to 1st December, MMI ASIA hosted the GLASSTECH ASIA 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand. Huaye Glass made a grand appearance at the event with its full range of products at Hall 5, H04.

11 月 29 日-12 月 1 日,由MMI ASIA主辦的2023 年亞洲國際玻璃、門窗幕墻展覽會在泰國曼谷盛大開幕。華業玻璃攜全系列產品隆重亮相本次盛會,展位號為Hall 5, H04。

During the exhibition, Huaye Glass presented all series of glass products to customers and visitors, and the excellent performance of the products and our perfect service system became the focus of the whole exhibition. Next, we will continue to deepen the layout, develop the overseas market, provide customers with first-class products and services, and show the strength and level of " HUAYE" brand in the broader international market.



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