

Huaye Glass at the GlassBuild America |集團旗下華業(yè)玻璃亮相美國亞特蘭大國際玻璃門窗展覽會



Sponsored by the National Glass Association (NGA), the "GlassBuild America" kicked off on October 31, 2023 at the George World Congress Center in Atlanta, USA. Huaye Glass brought new products and solutions to the show, booth number 816.



As a glass deep-processing enterprise, Huaye Glass has continued to develop the international market over the years. In this exhibition, Huaye Glass fully demonstrated the advanced technology and high quality products, and received  attention from global visitors, many of whom showed strong intention of cooperation and wished to come to our company for further investigation and negotiation.


In the future, we will continue to deepen the global market layout, provide customers with higher quality products and services, and set up a new benchmark for the brand market in a broader international stage.



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